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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bart Johnson Went To Great Lengths To Land "Teen Witch"

bart-johnson4.jpgDid you know that Zac Efron's father is also Blake Lively's brother-in-law? Well, kinda. See Bart Johnson, who plays Zac's dad, Jack Bolton, in the "High School Musical" franchise is married in real life to Robin Lively, Blake's sister and the star of "Teen Witch!"

So while I was scheduled to talk with him about "HSM" -- and we did, don't fret -- I found out that a 7-year-old Princess gown-clad Blake actually acted as a pre-teen Cyrano for Bart.

Pop Wrap: Looking back, did you have any idea that the original would become so successful?
Bart Johnson: It was a shocker to everybody, including Disney! They didn't have anyone signed to three-picture deals so they had to pay up for the next two.

PW: When did you realize this was going to be bigger than originally planned?
Bart: It started halfway through filming on the first movie. The executives who had been watching dailies started giving us notes to reshoot all the scenes where we say the kids are seniors. "We want to make them juniors." They weren't ready for them to graduate yet.

PW: But they definitely are now -- what's it been like watching these kids go from nobodies to megastars?
Bart: Most of my scenes are with Zac and to see him and the rest of the kids get older is crazy -- I mean, they all had their mom's driving them around on the first one and now they're navigating some really serious careers with a lot of money and a lot of fame, buying big homes in the Hollywood Hills. These kids grew up fast.

PW: And they're all officially done - right?
Bart: They've made it very clear that all the seniors in this movie will not be coming back - their time as Wildcats is over. Even though they've written a "HSM 4" nobody knows if they're going to do it.

zac-and-bart.jpgPW: I know they bring in some younger kids this time around to possibly carry on the franchise, right?
Bart: Yeah -- there are three new characters -- a new drama girl and two basketball players. I talked to our writer and he said, "it's good to be the Coach at East High -- see you next year!" [laughs]

PW: Your character is initially against his son being in the musical -- what's your take on all those big production numbers?
Bart: It's funny, you rehearse these routines and it's really fun to watch them come together. Then you shoot them and think this is the last time we're ever going to come together on this song. Well, at the wrap party someone put the soundtrack on - which is such a lame thing to do -- but everybody busted out the choreography and did the dances to the entire movie. It was pretty great.

Keep reading to read how Blake played matchmaker for her sister and find out what Bart thinks of that proposed "Teen Witch" remake!

PW: The big question is, how much money will this movie make? If every one of the 17 million people who watched the sequel's premiere bought a ticket, the box office would be astronomical.
Bart: It would be crazy -- also, it was really popular to have parties for "HSM2" so it was like ten to twenty girls watching on one TV -- so it could definitely be interesting.

blake-and-robin2.jpgPW: You're married to Robin Lively -- star of my favorite childhood movie "Teen Witch" -- and brother-in-law to Blake Lively. Between "HSM" and "Gossip Girl," you must be like the most popular dad on the block.
Bart: Yeah, I seem to be pretty cool with the young folks right now. If I don't impress them with "HSM," they flip out when I tell them Blake's my sister-in-law. She's a real sweetheart and not really a party chick -- she's another one, like Zac, who has stayed super grounded. I love her, she's like one of my best friends.

PW: That's good because so often in-law relationships can be monstrous!
Bart: It's so not like that. She was very instrumental in me meeting my wife.

PW: Really, how so?
Bart: I ended up teaching a kids acting class for their father, Ernie Lively, and I met Blake when she was 7-years-old. She was dressed as a Fairy Princess when I met her with the crown and the wand. A few years later I met Robin and was totally smitten. I told everybody, that's the girl I'm going to marry and Blake helped me -- she was like my inside man.

Bart-and-Robin.jpgPW: So she'd give you the scoop on who Robin was dating?
Bart: Exactly. I'd take Blake to 31 Flavors, buy her ice cream and get the latest on Robin's boyfriends. We were plotting and scheming for years until I convinced Robin to date me. You gotta go to great lengths if you want to land "Teen Witch."

PW: So true, I mean, she is the most popular girl!
Bart: [laughs] Oh wow, she's going love that you just said that.

PW: You do know that your "HSM" co-star Ashley Tisdale is planning a remake of "Teen Witch," right?
Bart: Yeah. We've been friends with Ashley forever and she's a big fan -- I think that movie might have been one of the reasons she got into the business to begin with.

PW: Personally, I don't like that they're remaking "Teen Witch," it feels sacrilegious.
Bart: I'm really nervous about it. It's one thing to remake a movie but to remake a cult classic that is loved because it's so offbeat - how do you recreate that? I think she's going to have a tough sell.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Vanessa Hudgens & Bobby Bones Make Out Pictures

Rumor Alert: There are reported pictures of Vanessa Hudgens and co-star Bobby Bones making out. The make out pictures are supposed to have been taken during the filming of the movie Bandslam.

Bobby Bones is a well known radio show host in the Austin Texas area and has a show on KHFI-FM named after him called The Bobby Bones Show.

Vanessa Hudgens is the well known start of High School musical.

If this story turns out to be true, PopCrunch will have the photos here. So stay tuned.

So where are the Bobby Bones Vanessa Hudgens make out pictures, you might ask. I know I wondered the same thing. I sure can't find many online, and that's the only place I'd bother looking. There's this one, though.

bones hudgens

Bobby Bones has been getting quite a bit of press lately, and his influence appears to be expanding. Bobby Bones internet chatter seems to be rising rapidly. Hey, it's easy to see why. The guy apparently loves exploiting his interns, and now he's appearing in a new movie with Vanessa Hudgens, called Bandslam.

Bandslam is set for release in 2009 and is billed as a "musical-comedy-romance." Bobby Bones will star as Gordy Kaye.

Just how well Vanessa Hudgens and Bobby Bones have gotten to know each other must, for now, remain a matter of pure speculation. But when the makeout pics surface, you can expect an Internet circus to quickly ensue.