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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sarah Palin Pardons Turkey

Palin Pardons a Turkey in the Name of “Peace and Harmony.” Let the Slaughter Begin !!!

Yet again, my Governor, Sarah Palin has left me speechless. Today, in her home town of Wasilla, she decided to pardon a turkey. To my knowledge, this has not happened before, and I wonder if it might be the only thing left that made her feel “Presidential.”

That aside, she arrived at the turkey farm, with temperatures in the single digits in a short black skirt, and high heels. Then, she stood in the turkey shed, and read her statement.

Within the first 10 seconds I expected a lightning bolt to blow a hole in the roof of the turkey barn and strike her dead, leaving a little black pile of ashes with a pair of stylish glasses frames resting on top. Had I been there in person, they’d have seen me literally dive for cover.

Now, Sarah Palin actually advocates the death penalty, but I figured if the “friend to all creatures great and small” line didn’t get a lightning bolt, we were safe for now.

But the worst was yet to come. As she took advantage of the media opportunity after the magnanimous pardon, business as usual was going on at the turkey farm. And it was going on right behind Palin, and on camera.

Yes, that’s right. Sarah Palin actually said the campaign trail was “pretty brutal” while some guy behind her was slitting the throat of a turkey and draining it in the cone of death, right in front of the cameras. Turkey #2 met its demise while the reporter asked what programs in the upcoming budget might be “on the chopping block.”

When asked why she came out to pardon the turkey, Palin responded, “For one, you need a little levity in this job,” and went on to say that it was nice to do something that wasn’t so “heavy-handed politics, that invites criticism. Certainly we’ll probably invite criticism for even doin’ this too.” A correct prediction from our Governor as she stood there on Channel 2 News, with a backdrop of blood-soaked snow and dying birds.

Before you believe that maybe Sarah Palin didn’t know about this, or was horrified when she realized sitting in front of the TV later that night what had happened, remember that when a photographer asked her if she wanted the turkey slaughter as a backdrop, the “friend to all creatures great and small” said, “No worries!”

Sarah Palin Turkey Death Interview Video

Sarah Palin stands in front of a bird slaughtering machine being interviewed by a news crew as a farm hand awkwardly undertakes his work.
Sarah Palin Turkey Death video below....

She may have returned back to the upper 1, to her Gubernatorial duties in the state of Alaska, but the comedy hits just keep rolling in from Sarah Louise Palin.

The governor was being interviewed by a local Anchorage television news station while the work of the Triple-D Farm and Hatchery continued.

Palin was at the Turkey farm for a pardoning of the Turkey ceremony, a token gesture leading up to Thanks Giving where Governors and Presidents pardon a turkey from the chopping block, it makes for great TV vision.

What turned into a basic publicity stunt for Sarah Palin turned into a comedy classic for the YouTube ages.

Being interviewed by KTUU TV, an NBC affiliate in Alaska, Palin stood directly in front of a Turkey slaughtering machine where all the action was taking place. Despite the camera man apparently telling Sarah what was being captured by the lense, the Governor continued on her regual bullshitting rants.

A farm worker sheepishly began his day job killing Turkeys ready for Thanks Giving night, Palin mumbled on about "greatly falling" oil prices and the role of limited cheques in the mail Alaskan government.

The results can either be interpreted as excruciatingly hilarious, or simply disturbing television.

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