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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Bachelorette - The Men Tell All

After the episode of The Bachelorette tonight we were treated to an interview with the DeAnna and the guys whose hearts she broke. It was quite enlightening and a bit tense at times, making you want to get out the boxing gloves.

Chris Harrison welcomes all of the men to the show, including the recently rejected Graham and Jeremy! Chris asks Twilley about the first impression roses - and he laughs saying he was just looking for a chance to talk to her! Luke, the shy oyster farmer, says he was thrown off right from the beginning, when she asked him to tell her something funny.

Past scenes are screened showing some of the guys pointing out Twilley as the least serious about being there, and Ryan as the most difficult. Other guys say that none of them liked Jeremy. Ryan then speaks about Twilley being an ‘attention stealer’ and like a little brother. Chris asks ‘Who was there to win her?’ They all point to Jeremy, who is then invited to come up to the hot seat.

Jeremy tells Chris that DeAnna was very straightforward about what she expected, and he felt the same way. He says he doesn’t feel that he was two-faced, it was just the way he dealt with the situation - not wanting to act one way with DeAnna and a different way with the group of men.

Some of the other guys speak up about Jeremy’s lack of respect in interrupting the other guy’s dates. Ron says most of them thought they weren’t there to win a ‘prize’, but Jeremy acted that way. Ron then assures Jeremy that he shouldn’t be afraid to get back out there because of what they are saying! Chris jokes that they are going to get t-shirts made to support him, and they all laugh!

Chris asks Jeremy about his heartbreak, and they show scenes of DeAnna and Jeremy from the show. Jeremy struggles to watch the final rose ceremony scenes, and says he still doesn’t know what happened. He says leaving was the most difficult thing he had to do - he just didn’t want to go! Jeremy says that was the first time he had let someone in, and having her gone from his life left a void. Chris asks if he would do anything differently. Jeremy says he doesn’t think so - it obviously just wasn’t meant to be. He admits that he still has feelings for her, and is wary of seeing her on the show tonight.

Next, Chris invites Graham to come up and take the hot seat. Chris says Graham and DeAnna had chemistry from the start, and everyone was surprised that he was sent home. They show the scenes of DeAnna and Graham throughout the weeks, and at the end. Chris then asks Graham if he wasn’t in love with DeAnna.

Graham contends that he was opening up more than viewers ever knew, and that he tired of her saying he wasn’t doing enough, when perhaps it was more that “they” weren’t doing enough to cultivate a relationship. Chris notes that even his mother warned DeAnna that Graham doesn’t open up entirely.

Graham says it was him opening up by bringing her to his hometown and introducing her to his family, but DeAnna put more emphasis on words than actions. Graham admits that he was definitely somewhat afraid of going so fast. Next, a studio audience member named Jenny asks what was in the letter that Graham wrote to DeAnna.

Graham says he put in the letter how he felt about her, and that he believes, some of the things he said to her in the letter would have meant the world to her!

Chris next introduces DeAnna herself, who joins Chris and takes the hot seat. Chris asks DeAnna how hard it is to see the guys again. She says it was very difficult to let some of them go - and she knows how it feels. Jeremy asks DeAnna when she knew that she wasn’t in love with him - because she spent the night with him in the Fantasy Suite. She explains that she wanted something to be there so badly - he was everything she wanted on paper - but she realized that she was in love with Jason and Jessie.

Chris then asks her about Graham. She says, again, that he never fully opened up to her the way the others did. She says she is glad now that she sent him home - everything happens for a reason. Graham and DeAnna get into a little argument like they used to do on the show. Chris notes that they are so perfect together, but they would kill one another.

Graham says he doesn’t want to harbor any ill will. An audience member asks if anything romantic happened with any of the men while they were living in the mansion. DeAnna reveals that Jeremy snuck in and tried to give her a goodnight kiss one night - and that Paul took a bath in her tub (but she wasn’t there). Paul laughs, “It was the only way I was getting in!”

Next, they watch clips from times during the show when DeAnna was let down by the men. DeAnna notes that her outburst at the pool party was hard to watch. Paul says that her feelings were justified. Ryan says that there are discrepancies in what she said. She said on one hand that she like Jessie’s laid-back approach, but Jeremy didn’t apply that principle at all, yet both of them ended up in the final four! DeAnna says it had only to do with the way the guys were with her, and how she felt.

Chris then points out that they had a lot of fun. They show some funny clips and bloopers. They all laugh at Sean’s haircut, and Ron’s philosophizing! Chris then asks DeAnna if she is happy and in love. DeAnna reveals that she is happy, in love, and engaged! The audience cheers. Chris than asks for Greg to do his thing, so Greg stands up, asks for a howl, then tears off his t-shirt and runs bare-chested out of the studio!

Chris says the only question left is, “Who will DeAnna choose - Jason or Jessie?” Clips are shown of her progression of dates with both men. Chris says we’ll have to wait until next Monday for the 2-hour Season Finale to find out!

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